{% for block in content %}
{% set isLocked = false %}
{% if not canBeShared and block.contentType == constant('App\\Enum\\Template\\ContentType::CART_BREADCRUMB') %}
{# Pokud bude treba dalsi vyjimka, najdi jiny zpusob sdileni bloku #}
{% set canBeShared = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if canBeShared and block.sharedFrom and sharedBoxes %}
{% set isLocked = true %}
{% endif %}
{% if 'system_' not in block.contentType.value %}
{% endif %}
{% if canBeShared and not isLocked %}
{% endif %}
{% if isLocked %}
{% endif %}
{{ block.contentType.value }}#{{ block.id }}
{% if block.contentType == constant('App\\Enum\\Template\\ContentType::CART_BREADCRUMB') %}
{# Pokud bude treba dalsi vyjimka, najdi jiny zpusob sdileni bloku #}
{% set canBeShared = false %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}